1、锻炼身体:physical exercise 单词解释:physical |fzkl| [常用于名词前] connected with a persons body rather than their mind 身体的;肉体的;躯体的 例句:The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.痛苦的经历损害了她的身心健康。
2、harden the body 参考例句:He does exercises to develop his muscles.他锻炼身体使肌肉发达。I have to build up my body.我必须锻炼身体。Its important to exercise regularly.有规律地锻炼身体非常重要。If you want to stay healthy, you must exercise.想要保持健康就得锻炼身体。
3、问题一:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题二:锻炼身体用英语怎么说?问题三:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? have胆sports do exercise exercise 以 1,2为佳 问题四:锻炼身体有利于健康怎么用英语表达 Exercise is good for health 问题五:它能锻炼身体的英文翻译。
4、锻炼身体:harden the body Doing exercises in the open air is good for your health.露天锻炼身体有益你的健康。Im not a great believer in (taking) regular physical exercise.我对经常锻炼身体的好处有点怀疑.Exercise stimulates the body.运动锻炼身体。Get plenty of exercise.要多锻炼身体。
5、锻炼身体_百度翻译 锻炼身体 [词典] [医] body building; PE; physical exercise;[例句]他经常运动,以锻炼身体和保持身材。
1、do sport in the morning 在早晨锻炼 例句 他早上锻炼身体的英语他说,“我经常在早晨锻炼身体。
2、morning exercises早操;晨练;清晨锻炼 in the morning在早上;在早晨;上午 morning glory牵牛花 例句他早上锻炼身体的英语:By mid-morning, four kids were sculpting (雕塑) the sand alongside him.到上午10点左右,四个孩子在他旁边雕塑沙子。
3、做早操他早上锻炼身体的英语的英文是他早上锻炼身体的英语:Do morning exercise。早操(或称早锻炼、课前操)是在清晨或课前进行。凡在学校住宿的学生,每天清晨起床后做15~20分钟早操。走读学生可在每天课前做10~15分钟的课前操。早操的内容一般以广播操为主,也可安排慢跑或发展身体素质的简单练习。
4、我总是在早上做锻炼 英文 I always do exercise in the morning 其中 总是 always; invariably 早上morning 锻炼 take exercise; have physical training Do exercise不加s,固定搭配呢。
5、早操的英文翻译是morning exercises。
1、我从6:40到7:00锻炼。用英语表达:I exercise from 6:40 to 7:00.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2、Next moring, sunday, I awakened at seven.你们还有10号早上7点去香港的机票吗?Have you got any seats left on the10th at7:00 a.m.to HongKong?英语时间表达介绍 整点:用钟点(基数词) + oclock 来表示整点 。
3、seven 或 seven oclock I usually get up at seven oclock in the morning.我通常在早上7:00起床。
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